ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS! We are excited to announce a new feature: TOURNAMENTS! This will be an exciting way to add more competitiveness and fun to being a member of the Rocket League! A bracket format will be used and in most cases a prize will await the victor in the end. The prizes we give will always be legitimate and can be anything from actual event Pokemon to fun items to new positions within the league. But as always, the main draw to the tournaments will be the fun of competition! New tournaments will be held often with varying rule sets to mix things up. Tournaments can take anywhere from days to weeks depending on the number of players and how quickly people resolve their battles, but there will always be a time frame to ensure that tournaments are run effectively.

RULES FOR TOURNAMENTS: In order to participate, each person must respond to the forum post of that tournament.  Once the registration day has passed, no new players can be added for that tournament.  As always, it is advised that everyone check the forums often.  Whenever a tournament fight is completed, either one or both players should contact a mod through the chat box or forums to let us know who won. All disputes can be settled by uploading the battle video and providing a mod with the code.

I have talked too much, let's get this started already! THE FIRST TOURNAMENT SIGN UP IS ALREADY IN THE FORUMS! We are glad to have you as the participants in the first ever Rocket League tournament! Have fun and good luck!