ATTENTION TOURNAMENT CONTESTANTS!!! The Challenger Tournament ends in a few hours! If you have not been eliminated yet, then you need to either resolve the last of your battles within the next few hours or post on the Tournament page that you are online and waiting for your opponent! If no one responds then we won't have a winner and you'll make Jirachi sad. You do not want to make Jirachi sad.
ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS! We are excited to announce a new feature: TOURNAMENTS! This will be an exciting way to add more competitiveness and fun to being a member of the Rocket League! A bracket format will be used and in most cases a prize will await the victor in the end. The prizes we give will always be legitimate and can be anything from actual event Pokemon to fun items to new positions within the league. But as always, the main draw to the tournaments will be the fun of competition! New tournaments will be held often with varying rule sets to mix things up. Tournaments can take anywhere from days to weeks depending on the number of players and how quickly people resolve their battles, but there will always be a time frame to ensure that tournaments are run effectively.

RULES FOR TOURNAMENTS: In order to participate, each person must respond to the forum post of that tournament.  Once the registration day has passed, no new players can be added for that tournament.  As always, it is advised that everyone check the forums often.  Whenever a tournament fight is completed, either one or both players should contact a mod through the chat box or forums to let us know who won. All disputes can be settled by uploading the battle video and providing a mod with the code.

I have talked too much, let's get this started already! THE FIRST TOURNAMENT SIGN UP IS ALREADY IN THE FORUMS! We are glad to have you as the participants in the first ever Rocket League tournament! Have fun and good luck!


ATTENTION! If your name is on this list please respond to the post in the forums immediately! If you don't respond by 9/17 you could lose your gym!

X - Grass Gym Leader
Luka - Water Gym Leader
Ravick - Dark Gym Leader

The last active check cleared out 3 out of 4 gym leaders on the spot, please don't let that happen to you! Nobody wants to see you get demoted, but we do need our gym leaders to remain as active as possible.

Attention Gym Leaders!

In order to make it easier for everyone to see us online, we highly recommend that all gym leaders make a post in the forums challenges page for when they plan to be online for the week. Please try (if you are able) to set aside about an hour a week to be in the chat room, and check the forum for responses as often as possible. I understand that not all of you are able to predict when you can be online, and if thats you then thats ok, but you do still need to be active so that people can challenge your gym. We do understand that you have other obligations and can't be online constantly, but please remember that a big part of your job as a gym leader is to try to be in the chat room when you can. We do intend to have more "active checks" later on to clear out inactive gym leaders again, so check the forums often for that.
Hello everyone! So we have some exciting news for you! Pretty soon we will be unveiling a new feature that will allow deeper customization for your trainer cards! Look for it sometime this weekend! Also, we plan to open up a new section of the website which will create more competitiveness between Challengers and add a bit of an incentive to compete against one another! Keep checking the site over the next week!

As always, we are still looking for the best trainers to become our gym leaders. If you think you have what it takes, either contact a mod on the chat page or email us at

Train hard, battle harder!
We are currently working on adding a ton of new features including a forum section for discussions, trading, help, etc.  The site is updated daily and we would love to hear your feedback on navigation of the site, questions about the rules and any comments you have!

We value your feedback! Email all questions and comments to
The Rocket League is currently looking to fill Gym Leader positions! Check the Gym Leader page to see a list of all gyms and find one that is currently open. Then go to the chat and tell a mod you wish to sign up, or leave a post in the forum.
Welcome to the Rocket League! If there are no mods currently in the chat room you can register and leave a post in the forum, or send us an email at